The South is unique for its biodiversity, culture of resiliency, and incredible diversity. It has long been the home of the most destructive extractive industries and the dumping ground for waste. Our region has a unique need for sustainable development due to its systemic underinvestment, over-extraction, and poor infrastructure.
Very little has been done to ensure a just transition from extractive and polluting industries. As we transition to a regenerative land-based economy rooted in justice and equity, those communities with a legacy of pollution and ecological destruction must not be left behind. Southern communities living on the fenceline and frontlines of environmental injustice and the climate crisis must be included in Green New Deal policies.
What do we want?
Climate Justice
Make climate justice a mainstream issue in the South.
Shift POwer
Shift more power and ownership to frontline communities.
Climate Policy
Drive bold climate action at the local, federal, and national levels.
Leverage existing infrastructure within SCEN and leading partner anchor organizations to advance our collective vision.
Our Vision
Southern Communities for a Green New Deal is a vision for a just, equitable, clean, healthy, and thriving South. Its demands take into account the unique realities of the South. This platform is the product of a bottom-up, community-based approach to building alignment around shared vision, values, and goals in a way that prioritizes the lived experiences of Southern frontline communities as opposed to the traditional top-down or corporate approach to problem-solving and decision making.
Who are we?
In 2020, the Southeast Climate and Energy Network (SCEN) along with the Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy (GCCLP), Kingdom Living Temple, and Dogwood Alliance spearheaded the project, Southern Communities for a Green New Deal (SCGND).

Endorsing Organizations
100% Athens Renewable Energy Initiative
198 Methods
350 South Florida
350 Triangle
Alabama Interfaith Power and Light
Alliance for Affordable Energy
Amplify Christan Church DOC
Arm in Arm
Auburn for Clean Air
Ayika Solutions, Inc
Beloved Community Church, UCC
Bethel AME Church
Bethel AME Church - Ensley
Black Lives Matter Birmingham
Black Voters Matter Fund
Black Warrior Riverkeeper
Care About Climate
Catalyst Miami
Catalyst Miami and Coral Springs Commissioner
Center for Common Ground
Center for Sustainable Communities
Center for Sustainable Economy
Chapel Hill Organization for Clean Energy
Charleston DSA Ecosocialist Working Group
Charlotte SEAP
Citizens for a Healthy and Safe Environment (CHASE)
Clean, Healthy, Educated, Safe & Sustainable Inc.
Coalition Against Death Alley
Coastal Plain Conservation Group
Collective Power
Concern Citizens of North Carolina
Concerned Citizen of Georgia
Concerned Citizens of Richmond County
Concerned Citizens of South Dekalb
Concerned Citizens of St. John
Creation Care Collective
Creation Justice Network/ United Church of Christ/ Southern Conference
Cumberland Green Bioregional Council
DisruptTransform, LLC
Dogwood Alliance
Down East Coal Ash Environmental and Social Justice Coalition
Dynamite Hill-Smithfield Community Land Trust
Earth Action, Inc.
Earth, Spirit, Action
Elders Climate Action
Environmental Act Club
Environmental Community Action
Exposure Labs
FGB Ministries, LLC
First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans
Florida Student Power Network
Forest Keeper
Forever Changed Ministries
Georgia Conservation Voters
Georgia Interfaith Power and Light
Georgia NAACP
Georgia WAND Education Fund
Good Solar USA
Greater New Orleans Interfaith Climate Coalition
Green Belt Movement International
Green New Deal Virginia Coalition
Green The Church
Greenpeace USA
Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy
Gulf Coast Creation Care
Gullah/Geechee Nation
Harambee House Inc.
Have a Heart Association
Healthy Gulf
Hometown Action & Hometown Organizing Project
House of Mercy Everlasting
Indigenous Environmental Network
Indivisible Asheville WNC
Island Culture Z
Jmpro Grassroots Media
John Muir Project
John Muir Project of Earth Island Institute
Justice and beyond
Kentucky Interfaith Power & Light
Kentucky Unitarian Universalist Justice Action Network
Kingdom Living Temple
Kinship With Haiti
Kirkwood United Church of Christ
Liberation Tools
Louisiana League of Conscious Voters
Love Beyond Walls
Memphis & Mid-South Regional Chapter of The Climate Reality Project
Memphis & Shelby County Lead Safe Collaborative Inc.
Metro New York Catholic Climate Movement
Miami Climate Alliance
Moms Clean Air Force.org
Mothers Out Front Asheville
NAACP Charlotte-Mecklenburg Branch
Nashville Peace and Justice Center
Navassa Commissioner
NC Climate Justice Collective
North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light
NC Poor People’s Organization-Ecological Devastation Committee
New Hope Collaborative
No Waste Louisiana
North American Climate, Conservation and Environment
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Office of Peace, Justice, and Integrity of Creation, Sisters of Charity of New York
Organic Growers School
Organized Uplifting Resources & Strategies
Partnership for Policy Integrity
Partnership for Southern Equity
Pathways to Parks
People's Justice Council
Rachel Carson Council
Reject Raytheon AVL
River Guardian Foundation
Rosedale Neighborhood Association
Sandhills Cooperation Association
Soil & Souls
Sol Nation
South Carolina Interfaith Power & Light
Southeast Climate & Energy Network
Southeast Faith Leaders Network
Southern Echo Inc.
Southern Vision Alliance
St. William Catholic Church
Sunrise El Paso
Sunrise Movement of NC
Sustainable CSRA
Sustaining Way
Team for the Seventh Principle, First Unitarian Church of Louisville, KY
Tennessee Alliance for Progress
The Christian Action group of St. Paul United Methodist Church
The Enviro Show
The Grove CDC, Inc.
The Lilies Project
The United Church of Christ Ministry for Environmental Justice
The Women Invested to Save Earth Fund
Triangle branch of Womens' International League for Peace and Freedom
Tuesdays with Tillis Indivisible
Ubuntu Community Development Project
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Urban Climate Nexus
UU Church of Birmingham
Vanderbilt University
Village Moguls
Voters Legal Justice Watch Group
Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice at Vanderbilt University Divinity School
West Mitchell Street CME Church
Wisconsin Green Muslims